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May 24 2024

S&DFHA Comets AGM Notice - April 24th

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2024 AGM Notice

Hello Comet Families,

Our AGM is quickly approaching and we would like to invite you to join us.  It will be a similar format to previous years. We will host an awards celebration first followed by the AGM.

AWARDS:   7:00 PM
AGM:          8:00 PM
WHERE:     Smuckers Lounge, Merlis Belsher Place, 2010 College Drive

The Comets Executive is requesting to change our constitution.  This is required to be voted on by the membership at the AGM.  For that purpose we are including the list of articles we wish to have changed. Please review the following:

PDF Attached for review of the proposed changes.

*Please Note:
If these requested changes are voted on and passed, they will be effective as of that moment. For that reason, to be prepared, we will be seeking interest for the following positions ahead of the AGM as no nominations will be accepted from the floor.  The following positions up for election will be:

  • Commissioner (even) (2) 
  • Treasurer (even) (2) 
  • Equipment Manager (even) (2) 
  • Promotion/ Fundraising Coordinator (even) (2) 
  • U9 Coordinator (even) (2) 
  • U13 Coordinator (even) (2) 
  • U15 Coordinator (even) (2)     
  • Development Coordinator (even) (2) 
  • SaskFHL Chair (even) (2)
  • Assistant Commissioner 2 (even) (2)
  • Coach Coordinator (odd) (1)
  • SMHA Chair (odd) (1)

Please email your interest  to by Sunday, April 14th 6pm.  Include in your letter of interest:  

  • Your name
  • The position(s) you’re interested in
  • Name of a reference 
  • Reason for seeking nomination for said position(s)
  • Previous experience applicable
  • Connection to Comets (daughters playing etc)

Letters will be collected and reviewed by the Nominating committee.  The chair of the nominating committee will then put forth the name(s) of the person(s) to be nominated and voted on in the election portion of the AGM.


Krispin Zaleschuk
Comets Executive

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