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SMHA Parents Code of Conduct

  1. I agree to support and encourage my child, attend games and cheer for all players, including the opposition.
  2. I agree to practice good sportsmanship and avoid yelling at my child or any child about their performance prior to during or after the game.
  3. I agree youth sports are for kids, not adults.
  4. I agree to bring my child to practices and games on time and contact the coach(es) if my child cannot attend or will be late for a practice or game.
  5. I agree to be a positive role model for all children by avoiding complaining about or yelling at referees.
  6. I agree to not coach my child or any other players from the sidelines or the stands. If I have an issue with the coach, I will address it in private after a 24-hour cooling period through my designated team contact as set out by my team.
  7. I will always remember that I am the adult and should act like one. It is more difficult for a child to deal with an out-of-control parent than for a parent to deal with an out-of-control child.
  8. I agree to respect and show appreciation for the volunteer coaches who give their time to coach a sport for my child.
  9. I agree to be respectful in social media of all parties associated with the sport of minor hockey

Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in:

  1. First violation will be a meeting with the parent(s) and a written warning from the zone that outlines the ramifications of future violations.
  2. Second violation will be a one game suspension for both player and parent.
  3. Third violation will be a meeting with the SMHA Discipline Committee where appropriate discipline will be applied.

Approved April 20, 2015